Friday, November 6, 2015

Moulin Rouge: Post-modernism

"Moulin Rouge" set up house in a Parisian ambiance that talked big on its full-blown evolution in art, music, literature and customs. In a nutshell, the story comprises how modernization marched into the whole of Europe during the Age of Enlightenment.

Post-modernism is present in "Moulin Rouge". According to Boyne and Rattansi (1990), modernism refers to "modern thought, character or practice, the term is usually restricted to a set of artistic, musical, literary, and more generally aesthetic movements that emerged in Europe in the late nineteenth century and would become institutionalized in academic institutions and art galleries of post-World War I in Europe and America." Along this line, Ewan McGregor who played as a young poet in the movie and Nicole Kidman as his glamorous paramour go head-to-head with such human progress. As a result, they exhibited growing intellectual thinking and stylish way of etiquette to comply with the pre-requisites of their changing world.

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