Thursday, November 5, 2015

Nathaniel: Formalism

Revolving around the story of an angel who got down from heaven to propagate goodness in a small town, "Nathaniel" apparently embodies  Marxism touches all throughout.

"There is partiality when it comes to the Philippine justice system," covertly imparts the television series. Well-off people always get the fair shake so long as the poverty-stricken earn inequity.

One of the antagonists, AVL, has played upon the higher authorities with her wealth so that she could easily get at their favor though what she was doing were pure evil and morally bad. This circumstance goes alongside with the gist of Marxism. Money dislocates the ethical and upright system of the world. Ironically, it takes possession of of its possessors, pushing them to exploit all the things around them for their unlimited craves.

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