Thursday, November 5, 2015

Things Fall Apart: Post-colonialism

"Things Fall Apart" incorporates the battle of the Igbo tribe in Africa for self-identity along the innards of the white missionaries' constructed boundaries. One of which was the indoctrination of Christianity. Hypothetically, these black folks had their set of beliefs and customs and the intervention of Western culture would definitely disrupt their second nature. Obviously, there were some traces of "us-and-them" division all throughout. Besides, the aftermath of colonialism could easily perceived.

Post-colonialism is centered on colonized-colonizer scenario. Usually, literary works that are apt for this criticism came from African penmen who, perhaps, were inspired by the struggles of their countrymen under the steel-like hands of the Oriental forces; thus the infancy of "Things Fall Apart" which is on revolution against white missionaries. No weapons were needed or involved, just sincere and burning heart in every word was chipped in.

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